Download Area

Here are the publicly available downloads from Airnautic Marine Ltd.

use of these programs is entirely at the user’s risk no guarantees are made

MacOSX – Batch resize Images and pad to the box sizes given

You may want to set up several of these and preset the default sizes to common sizes. It asks for size and pad colour. Transparent png’s remain transparent.
1000 x 600


AML Utility is a WordPress Plugin

it adds two parameters to the wp Database for local SQL file processing LOCAL_URL & UPDATE_CMD
Local_URL would be your localhost website name, Update_CMD is not implemented yet

These values are obtained from wp-config.php if they are present. So wp-config.php should be edited with …

/** The localhost location if we run it on the local machine **/
define('LOCAL_URL', "http://localhost:8888/yourlocalwebsite");

/** The code for a local Sql command **/
define('UPDATE_CMD',"Some more SQL Code");

Standard SQL file: put in your local htdocs for processing

Does not handle Roksproket currently~ process after installing or create an Edge case with this file

AppleScript to convert your downloaded SQL to the local form of the Database

Asks for local database name and prefix. Although it does not handle zip SQL files it can handle large SQL download files.
It is very fast and is run on your local machine to update your local website from the live site.
Edge cases can be dealt with by editing the Standard SQL file above.

If you want to overwrite an existing database then in your Download SQL file specify DROP Columns, or an error will be generated and the process will abort.

Tiny MCE Plugin to add hidden condensed text from the post abstract

Creates a new button in the Classic Tiny MCE editor

This will copy hidden text taken from the abstract to the cursor position in the main editor window.

Used to provide search results for the context related posts etc.
